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RE: Percieptible human effects of HV/RF/ and EMF

      Yes- you CAN feel the presence of high intensity fields.
Some of the sensation may be through the fine hairs on the surface of your
skin. I noticed this particularly with electrostatic fields. But I also
a heating effect which is quite unpleasant, but whether this was on the
surface, or "internally" is difficult to determine, as it seems that "being
seems to manifest itself anyway, on the skin's surface, as sweating.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 7:00 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Percieptible human effects of HV/RF/ and EMF

Original poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>

You probably could feel it.  In a strong magnetic field, movement generates
enough induced voltage/current to be perceptible.  A well known side effect
of MRI machines, which have a (typically) 1.5 Tesla field (that's 15000

1. Can a human "Percieve" the high powered emmisions of a Tesla Coil?
*Not counting the noise, light, or streamers, but the EMF? Even though a TC
is a Poor transmitter.

2. Can a human *without* any Aftermarket parts (fillings, pins, implants (as
in my teeth which have stainless pins into the jawbone) or other parts)feel
this? How?

3. Can a sensation, voltage, or pain be indiced in a human if they have a
metallic (usually stainless steel) implant in the vicinity of a TC?

Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
President / Founder
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!

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