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Re: Homemade chokes

On that fateful day 8/11/00 12:31 PM, thus spake Tesla list:

> Original poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" <acmq@compuland.com.br>
> Tesla list wrote:
>> Original poster: "Bill Lemieux" <gomez@netherworld.com>
>> This must be a new and different definition of Q which people have been
>> tossing about lately.  The last time I checked, Q was defined (in my
>> electronics texts at least) as the inductance (or capacitance in a cap)
>> divided by the resistance!
>> How will either of those qualities vary with changes in voltage?
> For an inductor, Q is w*L/R, a value without dimension.
> w is the frequency in radians/second, L the inductance in Henrys,
> and R the series resistance in Ohms.

I was not aware (or did not remember) the Q was dependent on (variable with)

> If none of these values depend on the voltage, Q independs too.

Thanks for the clarification.  Oops, looks like it's time for Gomez to
review his basic electronics texts!

- Gomez

Is it weird in here or is it just me?