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Re: Spark gap problems aside

On that fateful day 8/11/00 12:28 PM, thus spake Tesla list:

> Original poster: "David Dean" <deano@corridor.net>
> It seems there are a number
> of places on the web that show to have 3/8 tungsten rod available, but
> either they do not respond to my inquiries or the don't stock the stuff, it
> is special order, minimum 50 pcs, and very expensive. I seem to recall
> someone on the list having available some tungsten electrodes 1/2" in
> diameter with a 3/6 16 stud, or to fit on a 3/8 16 stud, but have not been
> able to find anything in my archives (about 11 months of posts from this
> list) or in the archives at pupman.

I bought 1/2" by 8" rods of 60% tungsten / 40% copper from Rhenium Alloys.
They are listed in the Thomas Register.  It's been a few years, but I
believe that the total quantity I ordered for my big rotary gap for the
upcoming SPCP-1 coil cost me about $40.

There are other sources for this material (used to make spot welding
electrode tips for production line welders, among other things) listed in
the Thomas Register.  If you can't find what you're looking for in the
online version, your local library should have a copy.

- Gomez 

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our
fellow men; and along these fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions
run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." -Herman Melville