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Re: Shopping...and AVALON! HA!

on that fateful day 8/11/00 6:28 PM, Tesla list uttered:

Original poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
>>> 1. Could a LARGE (1MVA) coil be built indoors?
>> I can't see any reason why not, but I can think of only two or three people
>> who might be qualified to have an opinion on 1MVA coils, and I'm not one of
>> them.  Greg Leyh? Bill Wysock?  Bob Golka built a really big coil of
>> course,
>> but as far as I could tell, it was never tuned well, or particularly
>> efficient.  And so far as I know, he's not on this list.  :)
> I have heard of Golka before....Bill posted some interesting things about
> his accomplishments a few months ago when the Avalon project was just
> started.

Um.  I don't want to disdain Mr. Golka's Tesla coil accomplishments, but if
anyone intends to have direct business dealings with Robert Golka, I suggest
you contact me offlist about my experience with him.  I won't post my
personal opinion publically, however.

>>> One of the buildings is an
>>> old 4 story structure with one large room topped with a 25ton gantry
>> crane.
>>> A 40' coil could be build and operated in here with ease.
>> *pant-pant*
>> *lust*
>> *sigh*
> You (or anyone) could always come and help. We're always open to new members
> :)

I'm not ready to relocate across country for what is just one of my
obsessions.  Now if it were a paying job...  ;)

>> The Colorado coilers had a nice (but smaller) high-ceiling facility about a
>> year ago, until the landlord kicked everyone out, claiming he was going to
>> tear down the building... it's still standing.
> Our old Ionia Street facility, our first big warehouse (30,000sqft) gets
> demolished on the 16th.

This seems to apply here:
"If a thing is good, they will stop making it" - Doran's Law

>> Consider providing high voltage testing services.
> That could be fun.

It was just a wild idea.
However, you'd have to establish how (and whether) you would test to
applicable existing standards.  Most ultra-high voltage testing is done for
the power distribution industry, and they have specific tests, voltages,
frequencies, pulse widths, etc, that they want to see.  A Tesla coil may or
may not work for you there.  However, you could always build a big Marx to
go with it, which would make a nice companion.  And a Marx could at least be
used for BIL or insulator flash-over tests...
> A TC falls under an Unintentional Radiator, and is a terrible transmitter to
> boot. there are FCC issues though.

- Gomez A.D.D.ams

this message was made possible by: Bill Lemieux, Gomez A.D.D.ams, Arkoff
Kapacitor, The Mad Scientists Club, The Denver Area Science Fiction
Association, The National Security Agency, The Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency, the letter 'Q', and the number '7'.