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Re: tesla's colorado lab

--- Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Gomez ADDams"
> <gomez@netherworld.com> 
> on that fateful day 8/11/00 7:18 PM, Tesla list
> uttered:
> > Original poster: "Ed Phillips" <evp@pacbell.net>
> > The inductance is easily calculable from the coil
> dimensions, which can
> > be scaled from the photos.
> Or simply read right out of the CSN.  ;)
> >  I believe that the CSN includes some
> > calculations of inductance and reasonant frequency
> (maybe period or
> > wavelength).
> 285,000 cm was the amount of inductance mentioned
> for the two turns of the
> primary.  I was just looking at that section that
> discussed the second
> (cylindrical) primary/secondary form.  I don't
> immediately see the
> calculated inductance of the secondary, but I know
> it's in there- I just
> don't have time to look for it because I'm on my
> lunch hour.
Indeed Gomez Addams might do such a thing if he had
not checked the first case example as all CSN
Explorers should: then the secondary was a conical
structure of only 14 winds, and the extra coil
connection tried 3 days after initial experimentation
began results with a statement by Tesla; "The
experiments with the coil show strikingly the
advantage of an EXTRA COIL, as I call it, already
noticed in experiments in New York: that is a coil
practically not inductively connected but merely used
to raise the impressed  electromotive force." This
extra coil from New York is described as 3/1 
diameter/height ratio with 500 turns of  no. 26 wire.

There has to be a knowledge in the CSN, as years ago I
aquired them, only to emulate or understand Tesla, and
the notes seemed like Greek. Yet picking them up years
later with more knowledge gives Answers to the notes.,
which must also be understood in the context of what
they are: namely notes and not dogma! Tesla is 
meticulous on entries and does not go back and change
those entries to suit his predictions, it is a
historical record that is not altered. The modern day
coiler may be very confused what is going on in the
first tests because they seem very illogical.

June 15,1899: First experiments in the station made
today. The emf of the supply transformer was 200 volts
only... omega {radians/sec} was found to be 800
approximately. {these are  referances to the 145 hz
input of the supply station, something never overtly
mentioned in CSN. We must deduce the frequency by
knowledge of what is told. Therefore another aspect
displays itself here: Tesla must have only had the use
of a single phase delivered to him by the utility,
thus the totality of his polyphase ideas were never
even begun to be explored with regard to high
frequency. Perhaps this is another thing about the CSN
which is assumed by simple reading, but never
questioned by others with more urgent preconceptions
made by historical perspective. The foremost question
never  seemingly posed by Tesla in CSN is his
adaptation to the polyphase idea to that of high
frequency transformers, not at all an impossible
speculation. After thinking of this I understand a
simple thing that I imagine should already be
incorporated in modern design of high frequency
applied with 3 phase input, empowering 3 tesla coils
identical to the 3 load application made in 3 phase.
This simply consists of 3 series resonances ordered in
formation  in delta, with a common bisector of those
circuits joining on a triple arc gap in a triangle,
each converting to tank configuration on arcing. Once
this can be made the idea of an arc circling in on
itself, or a true rotating high frequency phenomenon
that produces a new location on each arcing should be
easily done on secondaries.
HDN Tesla Electric Co
> > For example, a coil 30 feet in diameter and 15
> long, wound with about
> > 30 turns, has an inductance of the order of 10
> millihenries, large but
> > not enormous.
> Those dimensions don't match anything I remember in
> the CSN.  The second
> pri/sec form was about 49 feet wire-to-wire
> diameter, I can't find the
> height, but the initial set up (of the second form)
> had grooves on about 1 -
> 5/8" centers "with provision for 49 turns", so you
> can probably figure out
> the secondary inductance from that.
> Secondary was wound with #10 B&S (=AWG) gauge,
> primary size is not
> explicitly called out in the section I'm reading,
> but is implied, and is
> discussed vis-a-vis his desire to have the total
> amount of copper in
> secondary and primary to be equivalent.  From this,
> it appears that the
> total circular milss of the primary (two turns) is
> approximately 490,000,
> which would imply a wire size of greater than 0000
> or "400MCM"!
>  Heavy primary conductors indeed.  When I get a
> chance, I'll see if I can
> find the actual primary wire size noted directly.
> - Gomez
> "The most fundamental human right is ownership of
> your body.
> If you cannot do with it as you please, you are not
> yet free."
>                                  - W. A. Lemieux

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