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Re: Xray transformer for TC use (was: Avalon, and Lockout for Safety)

> Hi Joshua,
> 	The X-ray transformer probably only puts out 10mA or something like

Most stationary or portable (but not hand carriable)  Xray units put out
around 100-200 mA...   The little one my vet used to carry to do xrays of
horse's feet was down in the 10's of mA, and a 100 mA Sec exposure relied
on the horse standing still... Higher current means that the exposure time
is shorter, making it clearer, for the same total exposure..

My old GE unit puts out 110 kV @ 100 mA
 Perfect for running
> his big coil at 1 million watts but the three phase would have to be
> converted for the coil. 

I'd use a three phase rectifier like Greg Leyh did for Electrum

 Of course, it could light the place up while it
> was at idling.  Specs on such a toy from Onan are at:
> http://www.onan.com/na/pdf/en/products/powergeneration/s1192.pdf
> Note the VA (volts x amps) is sort of like watts but "they" rate them in
> due to power factor concerns.  Also, note that these are really
> not generators.  Everyone calls them generators because that's how Edison
> spelled alternator.  ;-))  Only the auto companies ever got that one
> However, if the X-ray transformer can put out a hundred or so milliamps.
> It may be a great candidate for driving a Tesla coil.

Still going to be an awfully high voltage... over 50 kV gets to be a real
pain in the nether regions for insulation...