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Re: Here are my current specks: Was I give up!

In a message dated 8/22/00 12:02:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

>  I caculate that I need an .088pf capacitor or since I have two in series, I
>  will need two about
>  176uf each.


I'm glad you obtained somewhat better results.  I would think the
matching cap size for that NST would be about maybe 0.0088uf
or so. Although a somewhat larger cap can be used to keep the
voltage lower on the NST.  I'm sure others will go into much greater
detail about the sizes and calc's etc.
>  Primary is #14 wire, about 40 windings with lots of bare spots for tapping.
>  Secondary is a 3" PVC pipe covered with 24 inches of #29 wire.

Seems good to me.
>  There are three chokes composed of #29 wire wrapped over a half inch thick
>  dowel. The length of the
>  windings are all 3.5" each. One choke on each high voltage lead from the 
>  between the spark gap
>  and the NST. 

Certain choke sizes can cause resonances which can help to destroy
the NST.  I just use safety gaps, but many coilers also use MOV's
and resistors and bypass caps to protect their NST's.

>  My best performance was off a spark gap composed of flashing rolled up at
>  the ends that was mounted in
>  a 4" PVC joint with a muffin fan on top.
>  I had about 12-14" sparks and similar streamers off this with a 2" X 8"
>  commercial spun aluminum
>  toroid.
>  One person here said given what I had, I should not have trouble getting 
>  sparks.

I calculate about 39" max, but you may need a 120 bps synchronous rotary to
obtain that, and a larger toroid, an excellent capacitor of optimal size, etc.
Many folks only get 18" to 22" from those NST's or less.

>  Finally, I tried two brass doorknobs. Flat surface area inside the same PVC
>  joint with the same fan.
>  Result was a significant improvement in performance to the tune of 16"
>  sparks. The best yet!!

Not bad at all !!
>  The next morning, I turned it on and the gap would only fire sporatically.
>  My guess as to what is wrong is that the NST has fried partially and I am
>  not getting the current I should be getting out of it.

Very possible.

>  As for getting a new neon sign transformer, this is rather problematic as
>  the only shop that has any was
>  recently bought by "Newbies" who said themselves that they do not have a
>  clue of what the value
>  of anything they have in their inventory and seemed understandably 
>  to sell or give away any
>  used items.
>  I would appreciate any help. I thank you all. I note that nobody flamed me.
>  This I bet would never
>  happen in any discussion group as most other groups are more like a pack of
>  wolves that jump another
>  when one of them go down. I am most impressed with the kind and never harsh
>  replies I got from this
>  group. You should all be proud.

Yes, this is an excellent group, we are all students no matter how
little or how much we know, all learning as we go.

Always more to learn,
John Freau