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Re: Ozone and Safety

on that fateful day 8/24/00 11:29 AM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
> FWIW: I had a 3 foot tall Jacobs Ladder running continuously for 8 hours and
> with normal ventilation motion, I detected no ozone at all.

I've noticed the same thing- Jacob's Ladders don't generate (noticeable)
ozone.  Of course, a Jacobs Ladder, even a huge one like I built for
DiaboliCo (30kV @ 80mA), isn't operating at anything like the voltage you
get from a Tesla coil.

 Further, the Tesla coil is "terminating" its discharge into thin air (I
live in Denver, "thick air" if you live at sea level  :), and the arc in a
Jacob's Ladder has a firm connection between terminals.

 An overly simplified explanation is that the electrons have somewhere to go
in a Jacob's Ladder arc, whereas in a TC brush discharge, the electrons have
no where to go at the tips of the discharge, so they wind up transferring
their energy to the oxygen and nitrogen molecules of the air.

 I've noticed that, when I run a coil in a too-small room with inadequate
ventilation, it isn't running at high power with "power arcs" (discharges
connected at both ends to a conductor) hitting everything in sight, that the
ozone builds up fast.  It's when I operate it at low power levels with only
secondary corona or many weak, filamentary streamers coming off the toroid
that the ozone seems to fill the room instantly.

- Gomez Addams

"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something,
But to be SOMEONE."  - Coco Chanel