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Re: 3000 turn's and psu

on that fateful day 8/28/00 12:42 AM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: FutureT@aol.com
> In a message dated 8/26/00 9:43:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com
> writes:
>> Original poster: "Metlicka Marc" <mystuffs@orwell.net>
>> with my old 10-1 h/d secondary 4" by 42" the system gave 50" to
>> 60" streamers without the Pfc. caps. with them and the new cap the pt
>> drove great 70"+ streamers with 4 or five breaking out simultaneously
>> from all over the toroid. i unhooked the Pfc. caps to see if the new cap
>> was the main benefit but the length dropped back down to 60" with one
>> maybe two at a time, so the Pfc. was adding allot to the system.
> Marc,
> If you are using a fixed ballast for the PT, then I think the Pfc caps
> are just compensating for an incorrect amount of ballasting.  The
> Pfc caps generally shouldn't increase the spark length, they should
> just reduce the input current needed for a given spark length.

In other words, for identical input power conditions, you'll get longer
sparks.  :)

Power factor loss is real power loss, and it is _more_ important on high
current consumption coils than on low current consumption coils, be

- Gomez

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