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RE: disaster (i think)?

Hi Marc, all,

  I think it'll do just fine.  Spacewound coils perform just fine, and the
only problem I could thing of, other than the visual aspect, is accurately
predicting the freq, inductance, etc.  But a roundabout figure will do fine
for tuning, as with that many turns, your tuning should be pretty broad.
Let 'er dry, slap on a few more coats for good measure, and once it's all
dried up, fire it off!  i got my 40 ga coil wound (~2000 turns, egad), and
am still trying to find a good method for hooking up the ground.  Tiny wire
is pretty difficult to work with.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 10:00 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: disaster (i think)?

Original poster: "Metlicka Marc" <mystuffs@orwell.net>

today i put a coat of insulating varnish on the 3000 turn coil, what i
saw sickened me. i thought i was so careful to get the wire tight
together but after the varnish at least a hundred? gaps showed up in the
windings. not really the width of a wire but there there.
there is no crossed wires but i'm not sure if the gaps will kill it or
not? it goes about two inches real tight and then a gap, then maybe a
half inch, another gap and so on.
will covering it in urethane help, or can i expect it to burn?
any help will be grateful,  sad marc.