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RE: Hurray!

Hi John,
It warms the heart to hear of such a successful entry (back) into the
wonderful hobby of coiling.  Your story compares with the experiences of me,
Brian Basura, Scott Hanson, Alan Yang, Trent, and many more of my coiling
buddies.  We are all truly lucky to have access to resources such as this
mailing list, the Pupman site, and the webring.  Isn't it cool how a little
time spent on research makes the entire process go so easy!  The resources
on the web allow ANYONE with desire and a positive attitude to build a high
performance coil right from the beginning.  Keep up the good work!

Anyone considering building a coil should become familiar with the pages of
the Tesla Coil Webring and the archives of information on the Pupman site
before spending the first cent on supplies.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 7:15 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Hurray!

Original poster: "John Morawa" <morawaj@interaccess.com>

Hi everybody!

    I just wanted to take minute and thank everyone who has sent back their
comments on my questions and I would especially like to thank John Freau and
Terry Fritz.  Both of these guys have been patient and VERY helpfull with my
questions and with passing along some of the knowledge they have acquired
over the course of many years.  Geeze, I think they must live at their
computers when they are not firing up their coils since they usually reply
to my messages so quickly.  Thanks again you guys!
    They really helped me out with my new coil I just got running Sunday.
I've been out of the coiling arena for MANY years and things have changed.
I sure wish the internet was available back then.  We can get information in
such a short period of time.  It sure is sweet.  But I fear I digress.  I
have been working on this coil for about 3 months.  I used the same sized
NST I did way back when (a 15/30).  Last time a had a static spark gap.
This time I went with a SRSG running 120 bps.  Back then I made homemade
stacked plate glass capacitors in a bath of motor oil.  What a fricken mess
when a plate ruptures and you have to replace it.  This time I'm using the
oh so sweet polyethylene pulse cap MMC (LTR of course).  Last time I had a
3" diameter solid metal ball on my secondary.  This time I have 2 toroids I
purchased from John Freau (very nice quality, happy I got them before he
stopped production).  The 1.5"x6" on bottom and the 4"x13" on top.  Most
important last time I was happy to pull 16"-18" sparks to ground.  Tonight I
got a few 31"ers to ground. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...  I do have some more fine
tuning to do but I "feel" I'm close to maxed out.  Also since I'm running
inside in my basement and the stench of ozone/nitrous oxide whatever it is
(you all know what I mean) is rather heavy, I'm giving my lungs a break!  I
did spend some definte $$ on this coil (darn little nuts, buts, pieces of
plastic and little pieces of stuff sure do add up fast!).  But unlike before
I REALLY wanted to take the time and spend the extra $ to get a very
professional looking machine and I must say I am rather pleased with the
results.  I'm a little older now and not as strapped for cash as I was back
then.  If anyone is interested in my design specs I'll post them to the list

Have a great night everyone!
John M.   :-)