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Re: Pure Inductive Ballasting vs Inductive/ Resistive Ballasting (fwd)

Original poster: Tesla729@cs.com 

In a message dated 12/7/00 6:48:52 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

Barton B. Anderson wrote:
<< One other thing - a pole pig can be killed - just ask Charles Brush 
(killed a
 pig back in 1997). >>

Hi again, Bart, all,

Yes, I have heard about that story, but I have to wonder if Charles could
have possibly gotten a "lemon" pig, since this is the only story of a "pig
killing" that I have ever heard from all the hundreds of coilers out there.
That time, several weeks ago, that I toured the Magnetic Electric transfor-
mer factory here in my hometown, they had several pigs sitting around
that had been returned by customers for various problems; so it is definite-
ly possible, though not likely, to get a "lemon":-(  How about it? Has any
other coiler (besides Charles Brush) killed a pig, in Tesla service, that is,
and is willing to admit it? :-O

Keeping 'em Sparking in Memphis (with a pole pig),
David Rieben