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Re: Who needs a quenching gap ?

Original poster: "Albert Hassick" <uncadoc@juno.com> 

Well, we do our ringdowns and coil scope analyses using the 'zero' center
line of the scope.  We adjust the waveform horiz/vert/diagonal to
collaborate with the center of the scope pix 'zero' line once the scope
has stabilized.  We stabilize the scope at least 5 minutes before we
energize the Tesla.  Then we aim the high voltage probe at the Tesla and
we throw the big knife switch. Then we adjust the gain for the best video
to suit the distance from the hi-volt probe.  You can do this easily when
the coil is running.  Wow, what pretty waveforms!  Almost as good as a
"A440". But I like the low 'C' wave best of all!  What a neat little
undulating circle you get when you couple the waveform to the Tesla
ringdown using dual inputs to the scope.  Generate a sine wave with your
moog and superimpose it upon the Tesla ringdown output with
sine/square/sawtooth waveforms to suit your taste!  We really enjoy doing
this!  And there is no mystery here!  It's easy to do. But it is still
nothing more than a tool to gather some insight about the functions and
parameters of a given waveform.  Everybody should get a scope!  The
resulting waveforms are quite mesmerizing!   Much better than a 'lava'
lamp!   But, you know, all this scope stuff and ringdowns of the coil are
scientific jargonese. Just tune your coil for max output with your
crocodile clips for maximum spark if you do not have access to a scope. 
The output of a properly coupled primary/secondary/tertiary are the most
significant steps you can acheive.  And yes, you can tune for big sparks
without a scope!   Just envision what the Master Tesla had in his mind
when he fired up his big coils.  He could determine the might and soul of
his coils with a few calculations and daringdo.  But mind you now, Tesla
knew, he knew what his coils could do. He knew more than me or you!  He
had insight!   And he laid out the path for all us experimenters to
follow!  AL.
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