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Re: joining stainless steel

Original poster: "by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>" <Clearspring1@aol.com>

Hi Steve,

> I have just found some stainless steel rimless bowls, the sides are almost
>  vertical. The metal is about .5mm thick. My idea is to use a pair to make 
>  oblate spheroid top terminal for a coil. Can anybody give me an idea as to 
> how
>  I might a pair together rim to rim.

It seems to me that one of the biggest problems will be to get the rims to 
actually meet, given manufacturing tolerances etc.  If you have access to a 
spot welder you can attach a band of metal to one rim, high enough to 
accomodate the rim of the other bowl, then epoxy the second bowl into place.  
Without a spot welder the same thing could be accomplished by using a 
"just-fits" disk of wood epoxied first to one bowl, then to the other.

Both are quick fixes that should have you oblate New Year's Eve....

Michael Tandy