
NetMeeting conclusion

Hi All,

	Thanks to everyone for the inputs about NetMeeting.

	As I looked into this more, it became obvious that it would not work well
at all.  After about three people are in the group the sound and video
deteriorate too far.  It would never do what I had hoped.  Oh well, never
know unless you check such things out.

	It was rather eye opening to see what niche NetMeeting has found!!  There
are "family" servers that are pretty well controlled and easy to log into.
ils.bytebeam.com  is pretty good and very free of the wild stuff.  I
registered a Tesla group there if the need ever comes up.

	There is also a pretty successful IRC chat group that has been around for
some time now.  That is probably the best real time thing going at this time.

Thanks for your all your thoughts,
