
...Conducting through the glass

Hi All,
Now,when everybody get the point glass bulb actually
serves as capacitor and not a "real" conductor, I have
a question.
So,following the subject:Has anybody tryed to measure
effective values of these currents issuing from outter
surface of bulb via arc to ground.?For different power
levels,plasma spheres,bulbs etc. 
Plasmaspherephiles on the list?
Once Tesla had speculated,on the basis of his
experiments,that part of energy transsmited this way
could had been significant.
I wonder how far significant.
My judgement is that these energies and currents
(averagely taken) are small by far while being  
compared with solid discharge ones coming from metal
top hat of TC in the same situation.

Incomplete schematic:
                     | | 
      _______________| |____/  arc to ground__
     (       |       | |                      |
     (       |       Cx                       |
     (     -----                              | 
 Ls  (  Cs -----                              |
     (       |                                |
     (       |                                |
     -----|----                               |
          |                                   |
         ---                                 ---

Cx..capacity suggested by A.C.M.de Queiroz (few pF)

 BTW,main arc frequency could be in range much beyond
the frequency range the coil oscillating at.

Regards to the bunch,
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