
Re: Cool Idea

For those that are interested in doing this, there is a version of this that is
safe for electronics. It costs a little more, but I preffer not to use acid on
my PCBs. ;) Most electronics supply places have it. Tip tinning compound. Last
time I checked it was just rosin flux with a little solder to re-tin the tip.
Works quite well.


Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@compaq.com>
> That stuff you use is not rosin, I think it's the same stuff as in acid core
> solder.  That's fine for plumbing and other big stuff, but fragile
> electronics are potentially damaged by the stuff.  If you're soldering big
> copper ground straps, fine, but I wouldn't recommend getting it on circuit
> boards.