
Re: Copper Strap vs Welding Cable

In a message dated 2/2/00 1:31:39 PM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Original Poster: Jon Rosenstiel <jonr@pacbell.net> 
 All Home Depots around me (Columbus, OH) carry both 2 and 4 AWG welding
 What is available is copper roof  flashing, at Home Depot.  It is sold by
 the foot and comes in 12" and 24"
 big snip..
 I live in southern California and I haven't seen either welding cable of
 copper flashing in the local Home depot. Must be a area specific thing.
 Jon Rosenstiel

I bought some copper sheeting from a local roofing company.  Look in the 
phone book for a roofing company that does copper roofing.  They cut me a 
roll of 4" wide copper sheet into a roll of about 25 foot long.

Ed Sonderman