
Re: Home Made Variac

yes! i would like some info on home-made variacs as well. (the one i've got 
now is great- but if I ever want to go to higher power....)

>From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
>To: tesla@pupman.com
>Subject: Home Made Variac
>Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 16:22:33 -0700
>Original Poster: "Michael Novak" <Acmnovak@execpc.com>
>      I can't afford to buy a variac but I need some way to vary the line
>voltage... So, I decided to build one. I'm pretty sure I can get my hands 
>some 10 guage magnet wire, however, I still need to find a suitable core. 
>a variac basically a bifliar-wound 1:1 turns ratio transformer? If so, does
>anyone have some sort of formulas on the subject?  What would be the
>disadvantages of having a core which is not laminated such as the kind 
>found in
>Any thoughts?
>                                                             -Michael

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