
Re: Arcs off the fingers and getting killed in the process...

> From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: Re: Arcs off the fingers and getting killed in the process...
> Date: Saturday, February 05, 2000 1:12 AM
> Original Poster: "Jeff W. Parisse" <jparisse@teslacoil.com> 
> Jim,
> > Sell on the basis of being able to reliably produce the effect, not on
> > possessing secret knowledge.
> I never have and never will. kVA Effects sells on EXPERIENCE!

Not so much the sellers of the service I am concerned about, but the
consumers, who tend to buy on price (particularly in the entertainment
industry).  For the professionals, I think the goal is to educate the
consumer so that they perceive the value of the skill, as opposed to merely
the mechanics.

> > Can you publish working documents of this?  I am sure we'd be
> No. This is not a public process.

But if it is going to result in public regulations, at some point there
should be a "request for public comment" or hearing?  Can you keep the list
advised of when this might be? Who else is on the 
"committee", or is it just casual discussions at the current time?