
Re: Primary-Secondary spacing

In a message dated 2/6/00 12:36:42 PM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com> 
 We are building the primary mounts this week and I am wondering the best 
 spaceing for the Primary in relation to the secondary.
 The secondary is wound on a 6" form and is moveable in the Z axis so that we 
 can adjust coupling.
 The primary forms create a .75" gap to the first turn (each side) if the 
 primary form is almost touching the sec, is this enough?
 The primary supports are made from 1/2? UHMW and will be bolted to a 2'dia X 
 1/2" thick UHMW plate with nylon bolts.


The inside diameter of the primary on my 6" coil is 8.0".  .75" seems a 
little too close to me.

Ed Sonderman