
Primary spacing help.

I plan on building a new primary for my coil.
I plan to make a 15 degree sloped primary, 1/4" copper
tubing 1/4" space between turns.  
My power supply is 10kv @ 130ma  and the tank
capacitence will be about .032uf.  The secondary is
4.5" dia  and about 20" high (902 turns of #24 wire)
My question is how far away should the frirst primary
turn be from the secondary coil?

PS I will soon be posting a few pics of my old coil,
(that by all reasoning should have caught fire long
ago) on my site: members.xoom.com/tstathes

Go there if you havent already, Its cool.  
If you sign up for any of the services on the site
please e-mail me as well.


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