
Re: Initial setting for sync phase angle on an RSG

> Original Poster: Finn Hammer <f-hammer@post5.tele.dk>

I agree with Finn. I did basically the same thing a while back. The only
is that I removed my fixed electrodes and installed a manf. magnetic pickup
I had
lying around to do the job. I think Finns idea hear is simple and better since
there's no need to remove the fixed electrodes. It does work well and pops
into the scope.

On the same subject, the very best method to adjust the firing angle would
be to do
it in real time while the system is under spark loading. I would love to add
another knob on the control box. The only method I seem to recall is a physcial
displacement of the drive motor via a long shaft. But, couldn't the input
to the drive motor be adjusted out of phase? I'll have to think about this more
(just a passing thought).


> Try this, because it works:
> Replace the flying electrodes with similar iron piece. Then magnetize it
> a bit with a magnet. Don`t need much magnetism for this application.
> Next wind a few turns around your fixed electrodes, and use this as a
> pickup coil, directly into the scope. At a  sensitive setting (start
> high), you get:
>                _______________________/\  ____________
>                                         \/
>             Nice little peakie at allignment of the electrodes.
> I use this method on my sync gap with 300 BPS, and the coil I wind is
> just a cliplead wound around the fixed electrode 4-5 times. You may have
> to also use an iron stick instead of the fixed tungsten electrode, I use
> short pieces of allthread, anything you got lying around will do. Easy
> and neat.
> Cheers, Finn Hammer