
Re: multiple gap question

In a message dated 2/11/00 8:30:24 AM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com 

 Hi All,
 I have assembled a multiple gap to try with my bipolar coil. I have eight 
 1-inch diam copper sweat fittings that I have tried to gap at 0.022. I have 
 it running on the coil and all the sparks are along the same outer edge of 
 the copper cylinder. Why did I buy the couplings?
 Couldn't I have simply sliced cylinders off of 1-inch pipe. Is this normal? 
 found it very difficult to get all those
 "ducks" lined up in a row so that the parallel sides are gapped within 
 of 0.022.
 Does someone have a technique figured out for doing this and producing  
 Ralph Zekelm                                    

I haven't built an in - line gap like that but I have built a RQ style gap.  
I used one length of copper pipe and cut it into sections with a large copper 
tubing cutter.  This left the ends slightly rolled in and made the diameter 
on the ends slightly less than the rest of the length.  This seems to keep 
the sparks off of the ends.  I used brass bolts and epoxy to hold them in 
place with feeler gauges (or credit cards, etc.) as spacers to get all the 
gaps the same.  If I was building an in - line gap, I would probably use a 
threaded rod (nylon?) going through the center of each copper tube section 
and lock them into place one at a time using a spcer to set each gap the same.

Ed Sonderman