
Re: Spinning Toroids


I know that John Freau has done a whole lot of superb spinning work in
the form of aluminum and copper toroids, that he sells at -very-
reasonable prices. I've conversed with hime about the methods, and have
made of the spinning forms that I could use to make a small, 1.75" minor
dia, 7" major dia toroid. There are two forms, one for forming the inside
curve of one shell, and the other for the outside curve.

curently I am in search of aluminum to spin.

Grayson Dietrich

On Tue, 08 Feb 2000 20:17:00 -0700 Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> writes:
> Original Poster: "Andy Cleary" <gemware2@dreamscape.com> 
> 	Has anyone on the list tried spinning their own toroids?  I 
> have seen them
> for sale, were they home-made or commercially made?  The reason why 
> I ask is
> this- I received a new Lindsay Publications catalog today in the 
> mail, and
> in it are three inexpensive books, telling how to spin your own 
> metal
> objects (vases, bowls, and it even mentions terminals for HV use!).  
> The
> books are very inexpensive, ranging from 4.95-9.95.  According to 
> the blurb,
> all that is needed is sheetmetal, a lathe, and a few simple tools.  
> It
> sounds simple, and I was curious if anyone has tried it?
> -Andy Cleary

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