
Re: Topload troubles

Hi Jason,

Hey, where were you when I was in MN?

Anyway, to the subject. You didn't identify the length of your new wiring.
Were they the same length? If not, your primary inductance may be too much
or too little, and maybe more than your primary tapping endeavors. If they
are the same length (and they probably were), I would expect a problem in
the connection or arcing occurring in the primary circuit somewhere. I would
suggest trying it again. Make sure the wiring is the same length, tap to
original position, and check for arcing. With all the commotion, it can be
difficult to identify an arcing problem. For example, I once had a problem
arcing from the strike ring to the outer primary turn and didn't realize it
until I saw the arc in a photo (photo's are great for this kind of problem).

Take care over there in the frozen tundra,

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: Raycroft <k.raycroft@worldnet.att.net>
> Hi,
> Here's an interesting one for you:  Last month, my coil was running with
> my aluminum duct toroid I would get about 10" sparks w/o toroid and 18"
> with toroid.  Last week I set up my coil as usual, only this time I used
> diferent wires for the primary connections.  With no topload, I was able
> to get 18" arcs from a 15/30 and tapped at the same place as before.
> Then, I tried it with the toroid, and taped at the place that it worked
> before.  Nothing.  Placed a small screw on the toroid and got thin arcs,
> 3".  Moved the tap a couple of inches.  Still 3".  I tried this all the
> way through two turns and saw the spark length go from 0 to 3" back down
> to nothing.
> Just so you know:
> primary: 4nf SW capacitors, 15/30 nst, 30 degree, 8" i.d. .25" copper
> tube spaced .25" saucer with plenty (15) turns, single static gap w/
> blower.
> secondary: 4" pvc form with 17" wound with #24.
> toroid: 3" X 15"(o.d.) aluminum flexible duct.
> Confused in Minneapolis,
> Jason Raycroft