
Re: Tube coil ideas.

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Jim Lux" <jimlux@jpl.nasa.gov>
> I have just come into a set of 4 4CX600J  (600W plate diss Tetrodes, good to
> 110MHz), So there is some real potential here to build a big tube coil 
> (5-10 kW peak?)..
> The question is, is this a good use for these tubes,

> ------------------ SNIP --------------

  Edd.B writes;

   The screen grids can be connected to the control grids with a
  resistor and the tubes are operated as a hi-u triode. Feed
  the screen grids from the feedback winding. Do NOT use a
  wirewound resistor for the grid to grid connection, use
  several 2 watt composition resistors in parallel.........
  While this idea will most likely work, it is kind of a
  poor use of a 100 Mz capable tube.
