
Re: Paralleling dissimilar NST's.....

Consider this.+AKA- If you take two D flashlight batteries and put them in
series to
get 3 volts and then put one D battery in parallel with them.+AKA- You have
1.5 volts
in parallel with 3 volts.+AKA- If you let them sit on the workbenck over
night the 3
volt battery will be dead the next day.+AKA- The 3 volts battery runs
itself down
trying to charge up the 1.5 volt battery.+AKA- Seems like a 12k and 15k neon in
parallel would do the same thing.

If you put a diode in series with each battery so current will flow only in one
direction the 3 volts battery can not charge the 1.5 volt battery and they both
stay charged.

I did this battery experement in High School Electronic class 33 years ago.

Gary Weaver

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: Ed Phillips <evp@pacbell.net>
> Tesla List wrote:
> >
> > Original Poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@compaq.com>
> >
> > I'm not sure I agree that paralleling slightly dissimilar Vout transformers
> > will result in losses due to "fighting".+AKA- Consider this thought
> > Take the two 14.5 and 15.5 KV 30mA NSTs and wire them in parallel,
> > correct phasing.+AKA- Apply an AC milliampmeter across the outputs,
> > shorting them.+AKA- Since Vout is now essentially zero, their
open-circuit Vout
> > difference is no longer significant, but yet their short circuit currents
> > would combine to yield 60mA.+AKA- Open circuit, their voltages should
> > out to 15.0KV,assuming similar winding resistance.
> >
> > Gary Lau
> > Waltham, MA USA
> +AKAAoACgAKAAoACgAKA- Agree.+AKA- I've paralleled a 12 kV and a 15 kV NST
here (both 60 ma) and
> the combo worked just fine.+AKA- No "fighting".+AKA- At short-circuit both
> deliver the same current.+AKA- As the capacitor is charged the division of
> current will change until, if the gap spacing permits it, the voltage is
> betweem 12 and 15 kV, where the current will be flowing from the higher
> voltage transformer to the lower voltage transformer.+AKA- Most of the
> energy will have been delivered to the capacitor before that.
> Ed