
Re: de-tarring question


  I use a cheap 1500 watt hot plate that can be found at any discount
store, and set the transformer directly on the element outside the house.
 This works well when the wife (mom, etc..) gives you "the look" when you
put a non- food item in an oven.

  Care full not to let the expanding tar run over & on to the hot
element.   Pour the molten tar out a little at a time to prevent this.  
This will take some time due to the built in thermostat.   To speed the
process you can yank the bottom cover off the hot plate, and bypass the
thermostat & thermal fuse to get constant heat.   In my case, the thermal
fuse blew after some time (which is its job) at high heat which is why I
bypassed it.

Also, keep an eye on it at all times, very hot, hot plate.

Hope this helps

Kevin E.

>I have a double spark coil that is filled with (tar?). Black and 
>but waxy.
>I would like to remove it. I know nothing about de-tarring 
>but think the
>process would be similar.
>How is it done?
>-Pete B.

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