
Re: Poly caps

In a message dated 2/13/00 6:00:01 PM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Original Poster: CTCDW@aol.com 
 Hello, all,
 When you roll your own poly caps, what is the best way to attatch to the 
 aluminum plates? Aluminum does not solder, etc....the inside of the roll, at 
 least will need some sort of wire or bolt coming out to make the connection. 
 Anyone with some advice?
 Thanks in advance!
 Chris Walton

I used Richard Quick's instructions for making rolled poly caps - avaliable 
at the ftp site.  The plates are aluminum roof flashing.  The connection 
straps from the cap to the brass bolts on top of the finished cap are made 
from 1.0" wide pieces of the same aluminum flashing.  Deburr and round all 
edges.  Bolt one of these to the inside plate (in the center at the end) with 
a #10 bolt.  Cut off any excess threads and file smooth.  Roll the cap up and 
install another strap like the first on the end of the outside plate.  I 
learned from my first rolled caps that it is a good idea to cut an extra 
thickness or two of poly and place under the screw (on the inside plate) 
after you make the first full turn rolling it up.  This keeps the screw head 
from working its way through the poly and shorting it out.

Ed Sonderman