
Re: Toploads that bite

Date forwarded: 	Mon, 14 Feb 2000 17:17:29 -0700
Date sent:      	Mon, 14 Feb 2000 16:48:49 -0700
To:             	tesla@pupman.com
Subject:        	Re: Toploads that bite
Forwarded by:   	tesla@pupman.com
From:           	Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>

> Original Poster: Esondrmn@aol.com 
> In a message dated 2/13/00 10:39:41 PM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com 
> writes:
> << 
>  Nick and Herwig,
>  I got tired of bending off the leads from 10M resistors to use as a safety 
>  bleeder so I found a piece of 1/4-inch lexan around 4 x 1.5 inch. I glued 2 
>  small pieces of brass to one side
>  of the plastic with a spacing wide enuff to clear the body of a 1 Watt, 10M 
>  resistor. I drilled two holes of a size and spacing to slip over the 
>  terminals of my MMC so the cap terminals can make contact with the brass
>  then soldered two parallel 10M resistors across the brass
>  pieces. Viola: a safety bleed that I can simply slip over the MMC terms
>  I am playing with the wiring. Try to remember that it is there.  :-))
>  I have a related question to enter in the stupid question contest. Since
>  primary capacitor is connected across the secondary of the HV transformer, 
>  doesn't it always
>  have a discharge path thru the transformer secondary? How can the capacitor 
>  possibly hold a latent charge?
>  Happy day,
>  Ralph Zekelman
>  >>
> Ralph,
> Assuming the primary tap did not fall off and the coil was running fine up 
> until it was turned off, yes - the cap should be connected across the output 
> windings of the high voltage transformer through the primary and should 
> discharge in short order.
> Ed Sonderman

High Ralph (and Ed and all other coilers),

The reason that the tank capacitor does not discharge via de HV 
transformer is that it will see (after ionisation of the air by a top of 
the High Voltage 50 or 60 Hz sinus wave) a very low impedance 
path through the Tesla primary coil. The apparent resistance for the 
initiated radio wave pulse of the HV transformer secondary is much 
to high (because of the high impedance of the secondary). 

In a way you are right. Some current will flow back into the HV 
transformer secondary if you disconnect the Tesla coil. In that 
situation the capacitor is just a very small load for the 50/60 Hz

Does this answer satisfy you?

Ruud de Graaf

Met vriendelijke groet,

Ruud de Graaf
Software Engineer
Oce Nederland B.V.
tel: 073-6815303