
Re: Big Time Coil Problems...

Does the spark gap fire? Can you draw an arc off each end of the NST to the
case? With 18KV/90mA you should be able to get at least an inch worth of an arc
from the NST without anything else connected.

If the gap doesn't fire, bring it in closer. If it doesn't fire, even when it's
very close, the caps could be bad. Do you have a cap tester?

If the gap fires, you could just be way out of tune. With that small cap you
would need a lot of turns on the primary to get tune with the 6" coil. I used
about .01 uF on my 6" coil and I needed about 18 turns on the primary to tune

I would say if the transformer is good, go for a decent cap. An EMMC could
probably be built for under $50. Terry mentioned he had ordered a bunch of
great MMC caps, maybe he could set you up.


Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Ryan Ries" <spud@wf.net>
> Man, I'm really mad now.  Our coil is not working at all (again?!).  Our
> power source is 150v going into 15Kv/90ma transformer to make 18Kv.  We are
> using a 6" secondary wound with 22 gauge wire.  (Albeit short winding, it
> should at least be doing something!)    Our caps are mica transmitting caps
> in series to make .00325µf at 20Kv.  I believe this is where we are going
> wrong.  We can get no output at all from the coil no matter what.   Do we
> just need a better capacitor system to fix the whole thing?  I know the
> capacitance is really low, but I was hoping it would at least do something.
>  It seems like after that last secondary blew up, everything just went to
> heck...  Ugh, I hope this gets better soon...