
Re: Coil Grounding

In a message dated 2/15/00 5:19:06 PM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com 

<< - snip -

   What about a 9kV 60ma NST, still too little power to drive that large of a
  secondary? I have a bit of difficulty getting my hands on transformers, I
  was lucky to find this OBIT at a pawn shop for like $50 (alot of money for
  if IMHO). I *may* be able to find a 9kV NST, but chances are slim. My
  is the second constraint..... Very constraining - I would like to ( read:
  my dreams I) build the whole thing for under $100. I was finnally able to
  get a farm equipment store order in the wire for me, it should be here
  tomarrow, they are just takeing what I need from a 10Kg spool, and this
  could be expensive (even though its only like 2000ft). The table I used
  suggested a 4:1 ratio for a 24 inch coil, indicating 8 x 24, however, what
  would happen if I were to, say, do it with a 6 inch diameter, or even
  smaller? would there be serious performance degredation?, is there an
  alternate ratio chart I can use? Any help would be appreciated.
  Troy Peterson VE7SOK >>


I agree with Dr. Resonance here.  I would use a 4.5 : 1 ratio for eithe 6 " 
or 8" dia. secondaries.  That is 27" winding length for the 6" coil and 36" 
winding length for the 8".  This produces a high inductance secondary and 
helps keep the toroid further away from the primary.  Allow about 2" of extra 
coil form on each end.

Ed Sonderman