
Small Audio Modulated VTTC

Hello All,

I have tested a small VTTC using a 2400V MOT and a 304TH tube with my
technique of audio modulation, with success. The audio quality is pretty
decent and I am able to get a ~3" brush discharge with 2000V into the
fullwave rectifier and cap filter (only 4 uF), the plates run a deep red
orange. For the audio modulation of the grid I use the same technique
described on my web site, but have found that about 50K bias in the grid
leak (just over 500V across the resistors) provides the best balance
between spark length and audio distortion. The coil was pulling 5 amps from
the wall. My plan with this coil is to make a portable demo type coil. I
will make a schematic and post all details on my web site some time over
the next two weeks.


David Trimmell