
?? About MMCCalc

Hello Coilers:

I just downloaded and ran the new MMCCalc program....it sure has the old
calculator number crunching beat!

I've a few questions about sizing an MMC for my coil.  Here is the data
from WinTesla:

Transformer: 3 OBITs, 10 KV @ 69 mA.
Cap/Trans Z match: 0.0186 uF.
Prim. turns: 14
Sec. Res. Freq: 379 kHz. (with toroid)

1) If I want to go LTR, how much bigger than 0.0186 uF. do I have to go?
2) With 14 available prim. turns, small cap-many turns or big cap-few turns?
3) My gap is 7 segment RQ fan quenched.  Is break rate 120 BPS for this gap?

Now all I have to do is find a source for the caps.  I wish the exchange
rate was more favourable, as I'd go for some that Terry has...oh, well!!

73, Weazle, VE3EAR/VE3WZL

Listening: 147.030+ and 442.075+
E-mail:    weazle@hurontel.on.ca
           or ve3ear@rac.ca
Web site:  www.hurontel.on.ca/~weazle