
Re: RSG Sync

> Original Poster: "fpeters" <fpeters@mindspring.com>

Hi Fred,
5 foot branches sounds like it's running pretty well. As far as the gaps lining
up with the 60Hz strobe - well, it won't necessarily run better. Typically, the
gaps are a few degrees off the peak. Yes, you should experiment and rotate the
the gap on the shaft, but first mark the shaft and rotor where they are
currently. Rotate it a few degrees in both directions. You will see a decrease
or increase in performance, however, where you are might be just right, so
forget to mark it.


> <snipola>I still have one question, while looking at the spark gap with my
> Strobotac
> I noticed that when I sync with 60 HZ line voltage the gaps are not lined
> up. Would it work better if I rotate the gap ring on the motor shaft to line
> them up?
> Thanks for the great help.
> Fred Peters