
Re: schematics.........

> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>

Hi Chris,

Fun to be close, isn't it!  Well, it's going to be difficult for anyone to tell
you where to tap the primary at because the specs are good but still too
limited. What would help (for me)  in addition to what you sent is Ls wire size
and gap between the secondary and primary. I did throw your numbers as they are
into my little hodge podge of calcs and used a wire size of 20 ga and a 2 inch
distance for sencondary to primary. The primary tune point is near 10.5 turns
which would be perfect for your 12 turn primary (the last thing you probably
want to do is add more turns which is why it's nice to build a couple turns
bigger than needed or to use a dummy primary to find the tune point prior to
building a finished primary).

I'm guessing you "could" achieve 30" streamers from the NST assuming all the
other areas are set perfectly, but don't be dissappointed if their only about
12" or so. Just to get it up and running without smoke is an acheivement.
There's always time to work on spark length.

I'll let the other NST croud throw you a schematic. I run a pole pig. Although
the schematics are identical as far as proper connections, they may be able to
add a few details for an NST that I could not.

Good luck,

> Alright, here's the system.
> 15/30NST
> 12 turn 1/4"X1/4" primary
> 6X24" Sec
> 30X4" toroid
> .0125uF SW cap
> Safety Gap
> and a creatively engineered (wood block, brass ball, and bolt) static gap
> (the G-10 has yet to arrive for the real gap)
> plus a keyswitch/variac/deadman control panel.
> other than the safety gap there is no chokes or filters....yet
> and untill I rattle Terry's cage we have to use the SW cap (I WANT AN MMC!)
> now the problem is I need the best possible schematic for our setup to lace
> verything together. Could you guys email us the ones you use? I know there
> are a few different ways to hook this up.
> Also, where should we start for tapping the primary?
> any help would be greatly appreciated......we're having fits looking at this
> work of art and not being able to fire it up yet.....ARGH!!!!
> whos@geekgroup.org ? Heck I dunno, whos@geekgroup.org ?
> Chris Boden, that's who!
> Christopher A. Boden Esq.
> President / Founder
> The Geek Group
> Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
> www.geekgroup.org
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