
Line Filter Source

Hello Coilers:

Anyone looking for line filters to use with their coils should check
out business equipment repair shops.  I scrounged some today from a
stack of photocopiers destined for the scrap heap.

The ones I got are rated at 15 amp, 250 volt, and have a 650 uH.
choke in both legs, a 0.1 uF. cap across the legs, and a 3300 pF.
cap from each leg to ground.

Physically they are a cylinder about 2.5 inches long and 1.5 inch
in diameter, with a ground/mounting stud on one end and spade
type tabs for line & load connections on the opposite end.

73, Weazle, VE3EAR/VE3WZL

Listening: 147.030+ and 442.075+
E-mail:    weazle@hurontel.on.ca
           or ve3ear@rac.ca
Web site:  www.hurontel.on.ca/~weazle