
Re: schematics.........

>Original Poster: "Dr. Resonance" <Dr.Resonance@next-wave.net>
>Your secondary should be at least 1 inch above the primary -- not below.  
>below the coil will be overcoupled and you will be splitting your energy
>into two "side frequencies" that will be stealing energy from your
>fundamental frequency.  You may also develop "racing sparks" up and down 
>secondary if coupling is too tight.
>Checking the coeff. of coupling is detailed in the Tesla Archives section.
>It's a necessary step in obtaining the very best performance from a small 
>medium size coil setup.
>Dr. Resonance

After spending 20 minutes sitting around and looking at the coil trying to 
figure out how to open the sealed end and trim the perfect amount off 
without damageing the windings we had an epiphanie.

We flipped it over :)

The ist turn is now 1.5" ABOVE the primary. Good?

Chris "Master of deductive logic" Boden
The Geek Group
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