
Re: weather influence on TC performance

In a message dated 2/21/00 2:18:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Original Poster: "Alex Crow" <user@alexcrow.clara.net> 
 Hi again all -
 With relation to the secondary arcing question, I have just extended my
 secondary winding by about 300+ turns to try to eliminate secondary
 flashover, the rationale being that the closer the top-terminal (maximal)
 voltage is to the end of the winding, the less 'difference' there is in the
 voltage field at that point to the voltage on the winding itself. As far as
 I have ascertained, to reduce the risk of flashover entails moving the
 topload down to close to the point at which the bottom of the toroid is
 just about level with the last turn of the winding. Another reason for
 extending of the winding is to try to achieve a better impedance match to
 arcs (see posts a few weeks ago) to put the greatest power into them, and
 in addition to prepare for an LTR SRSG setup pumping a few more cap
 watts.... I have now gone up to a near 5:1 ratio after absorbing a few
 posts on the list. Maybe the extended top-to-bottom difference would help?
 I just hope that wire-splice that Richie B told me about holds up - looks a
 little rough now but a few more varnish coats and I hope all should be OK.
 Alex Crow

You might also try using two toroids.  One to shield the top of the secondary 
and a larger toroid mounted up 12" or so above the first one.  I use an open 
cylinder of aluminum flashing sitting on the first toroid and then mount the 
second toroid on top of that.  Works good for me.

Ed Sonderman