
Re: Re: Pole Pig Question

Hi Ryan, all,

> > Original Poster: "Ryan Ries" <spud@wf.net> 
> > 
> > Well, on the same question, how would go about using a
> > single phase transformer for a Tesla coil if it only has 
> > one 'horn' and one input terminal?
 Quick answer: DON`T!! If your xformer *really* only has
two terminals (and the case), your xformer is either an
autotransformer or it has the windings in series (basically
the same thing). This kind of transformer is used to increase
the HV by a certain amount (the LV side) in order to 
compensate for losses or long lengths of wiring between the
utility and the device under power.

This means the HV and LV have a common connection (the 
case, in this case). I would strongly suggest giving up even
trying to use this kind of xformer. Usually castrated (one
horned) pigs actually have 4 or 5 connections of which not
all are that obvious:
 HV side looks like this:
 - One HV horn.
 - One (HV) connection is the case.
 NO connection from the HV to the LV side.
 LV side looks like this:
- two isolated terminals being fed out separately.
- Maybe a third connection, if it feeds 120-0-120
  (240 across the outer terminals).
Take a ohmmeter with you and set it on the 20 Meg
scale. Measure from the HV horn to one of the LV
terminals. If there is ANY connection between these
two DO NOT (!!) even consider buying this xformer.
It will not hold up in TC usage and it EXTREMELY
dangerous to have a direct connection from the HV
to LV side.  Dangerous to YOU and to ALL equipment
connected to the same phase as your coil. Modifiying
such a unit IS possible, but not worth the trouble or the
danger IMO.
 Stay safe.
 Coiler greets from Germany,