
Re: maxing out a 4" coil

Hi Ron
If you go to a 60mA NST you will have more current to charge the cap faster
so you will
get better output from your 4"coil.
I`m not sure just how far you can push a 4" coil, last year we ran our 4"
coil with a 11.5kV
pole pig & a 0.021uF MMC, the coil was pushing out 67" hot arcs.
The only thing that limited our test was a lack of space in the garage.
If you take a look on my web site there is a pic of one of these big
sparks(look for pig powered
BM2 coil pics).

Richard Hull (member or TCBOR)did push a small 4" by 13" extra coil on one of
his maggies
to 115" at 6kW.

Cheers & more power to ya
Mike Tucknott

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Ron West" <ronwes1@juno.com>
> I am interested in upgrading my low power 4" coil.  Primary is 11.5 turns
> of 1/4" copper tubing wound on 1/2" centers.  I was wondering if a 15KV
> 30mA NST might be all I need for the size of this coil, or if it would be
> worth it to go for a 15KV 60mA NST instead.  Is it possible to
> "overpower" the coil?
> Ron

I like having low self-esteem.
It makes me feel special.(Q-Jane Lane)
