
Re[2]: Pole Transformers

     Bill Wysock, at ttr.com sells various tesla components, including big 
     transformers.  You might want to send him an email. . . 

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: Pole Transformers
Author:  Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> at InterNet
Date:    2/21/00 1:13 PM


Original Poster: Esondrmn@aol.com 
In a message dated 2/20/00 12:20:47 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:
<< Ed,
 If you can say so without getting the guy from your pub scv co strung up, 
 what's the name of your company? Where? Here, in S. Central Indiana, I have 
 Cinergy. After 5-10
 minutes of trying to get past the gum-chewing high school kid, I have 
 met the 
     engineer/management type who can give an intelligent answer: NO. 