
Re: toroid question/TC status report

In a message dated 2/22/00 4:42:49 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Folks,
      I am using the "2 pie plate hub/heating duct torus" toroid 
      construction method. However, I am unable to find suitable aluminum 
      pie plates for the toroid hub.  The aluminum ones I have tried are 
      very flimsy.
      I have found some beefy steel pie plates though.  Is steel appropriate 
      (conductive enough?) for this application?
      In other coil news, after a marathon HDPE sawing, clamping, drilling 
      and tapping session this weekend, I am happy to report that I have 
      finished the primary supports and attached them to the base.  I 
      staggered the supports 1/16" of an inch each, clamped them, and then 
      drilled straight through to make the holes for the primary wire as 
      someone else on the list suggested, and it worked great!
      I hope to lay in the refrigerator tubing tonight. . . . 
      paul mathus

The steel pie plates should work fine, as long as they don't get too rusty.  
I use .25" acrylic covered with aluminum tape.  Good luck with that primary.

Ed Sonderman