
Various Transformers-questions

	In trying to determine the best supply for my next (8") coil, I have been
working with different types of transformers and have had some puzzling

	I unpotted an old 15kv 60ma transformer using the kerosene soak method.  It
had been soaking for a few months (I previously didn't have time to do
anything with it), so I figured I would try to finish it.  There was
certainly a break in one side of the HV, and I unwound a few layers on each
to provide matching resistances.  In the process I also removed 4 metal
shunts from each stack.  Was that too many?  I have since tried the
transformer, and it functions well.  Using a spark-gap voltage test, and
even with a variac test, my results imply that it is 17000 volts, which
cannot be.  How would I find the new voltage (and current) specifications?
Could I connect a ma meter between the leads (thus shorting them and
envoking the current limiting?).  Also, when I put the three coils back on
the core, should all the windings be wound in the same direction?  I also
have a plastic case to put it in, and then fill with HV oil.  Can I parallel
another "fixed" transformer in the future?  Would such a transformer supply
be suitable with an 8" coil? Could I connect it in parallel with a 12/60 or

	As another alternative, I have been working on a MOT supply, as featured on
the altair.org web site.  MOTS are much easier to come by than NSTs, and
seem to provide a good current output.  Using the variac testing method on
one such supply, it appears as though the output is only 5300v, which I
assume is too low?  It seems that it sould be 12kv, according to the
schematic (there are two sets of transformers with the HV connected,
essentially outputting 2kv above and below gnd.  Each of those is then
connected to two more MOTs in parallel, and connected in the center to gnd.)
All of the transformers are the same in the parallel set, do I have to worry
about connecting the MOTS on the right phase (if that is the term)?  Is the
output I am getting normal?  Would a DC type MOT supply be better (the
voltage doubler with capacitors and diodes)?  How would a DC supply effect
coil design?

	Could I safely go with one or the other, and then switch after the coil is
completed?  Which would be best?

	I am sorry about all of the questions, but I would like to get the input
supply taken care of before going any further.

-Andy C.