
Re: Baptism in fire.....Matt 3:11

>Yes, don't leave the control panel.  I either sit there myself or have
>someone else at the controls whenever the coil is running - just waiting to
>shut everything down quickly should something look or smell wrong.
>Ed Sonderman

Aleks was at the panel at the time. The safety setup of the system forbids 
running it without someone always at the panel. It has a momentary contact 
NO switch. If you don't hold it down, it won't work. This way, in the event 
of operator injury, problem, whatrever, all they have to do is let go and it 
shuts Everything down.
The system also has a keyswitch for which there are only 2 keys. One on a 
necklace that I wear while operateing the coil, and one on my personal 

We have a rigorus safety protocol. The only injury we have had in ALL of our 
HV work was me burning my fingertip on a hot gap (did it yesterday) and I 
want to keep it that way.
We use simple hand signals, and voice commands. Much like in rock climbing, 
to great success.

Have fun, and play safe.

Chris "Not ready for the burning man, maybe the singed fingertip" Boden

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