
Re: Liquid Capacitor

>>> Original Poster: "Jim Lux" <jimlux@jpl.nasa.gov>
>>>> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
>>>> What are all the conducting liquids with a lower density than Quaker
>>>> State Synthetic Oil that conduct better than or equal to saltwater?
>>> You are aware that you can get oil that is denser than water?
>>> Why not use mercury on the bottom, then dense oil, then salt water (I
>>> like CuSO4) on top..

I think this is all moot.  With liquid conductors and a liquid dielectric,
there would be nothing to keep the "plates" apart from each other
physically, once oppositely charged.  IMHO, this all-liquid cap thing is a
poorly conceived idea.
