
Re: Brass spark gap dangers

Out of curiousity, what are some of the dangers of using lead or lead
alloy for a spark gap?  Is there some sort of hazardous chemical reaction?
I'm not trying to disagree with you--just wondering if there's anything
that safe handling of a Tesla coil wouldn't protect you from.

                 - A. Banerjee

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "B2" <bensonbd@erols.com> 
> Hi All,
>     I just remembered some things about brass that I had found out a while
> back.  Certain alloys contain LEAD.  Please do not use these for spark
> gaps.  McMaster Carr sells this in strip form.  The expert machinists on
> this list may be more informative.
> Cheers,
> Barry