
Re: Liquid Capacitor

I would recommend that you examine the solubility of the chosen salt in
the oil you use. Salt solubility in oil, although small, is not

The possible (likely) result is electrophoretic migration of the salt
the oil and the reaction of the salt with the mercury, thus killing your

It is possible to use a virtually insoluble combination of salt and oil
appropriate selection, but considering the price of mercury; you should
think this process out very carefully in advance.

Will the salt react with the mercury if the tank is disturbed?

  ,o888b.`?888         Bryan L. Kaufman, MD, MS         8888Pí,d888o.
,88888888  ?88 Vice President of Technology Development 88Pí 88888888.
8888888Pí   88        Apex Radiology Incorporated       88   `?8888888
888Pí      .88     1999 N. University Ave. Suite 104    88       `?888
`88       .d88       Coral Springs, Florida  33071      88b.       88í
  `?._ _.o8888      bryan@apexrad.com 1.954.3451161     8888o._ _.Pí