
Re: Sync Rotary gap motor

----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 7:45 AM
Subject: Sync Rotary gap motor

Yes Mark, you can sync a split phase motor. That is what I am running. Mine
is a
condenser fan motor though so it turns 1200 RPMs. It was rated 1125.

> Original Poster: "Mark Broker" <broker@uwplatt.edu>
> Seems people are having more questions about this the past couple days.
> I know that a cap-start, induction run motor can be made into a sync motor
> by grinding flats into the armature.  A friend of mine (who LOVES HV
> things) gave me an old Dayton motor from his old furnace blower.  It's a
> 1/3 HP 1725RPM *split phase* motor.  Can a split phase motor be turned into
> a sync motor by grinding flats in the armature?  I'd rather not take the
> time to do so, esp since I still have no way to test it yet, and I wouldn't
> want to take a chance that I'd ruin it in case he wants to use it later.
> Thanks
> Mark